Increase Your Productivity & Capacity

Does your use of Tessitura need a tune-up, jump-start, or reboot? Our software powers the world’s leading cultural organizations, yet many find they’re not leveraging its full potential and are wasting time and money. Our professional assessments create an immediate, positive impact on everyday use of Tessitura. Whether you are seeking to revisit your business workflow or process, are a new licensee considering post-implementation modifications, or have been on the software for a while and outgrown your current Tessitura setup and configuration, each is personalized to the needs of your organization.

  • search

    Functional reviews of your use of Tessitura

  • gear-icon

    Assistance with system configuration or reconfiguration

  • cap

    Recommendations on activating functionality

  • people-icon

    Advice regarding staff structure

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A group of people at a conference table

Grow Your Earned & Contributed Revenue

Strategic projects focus on responding to specific challenges, from improving return on investment to activating strategic goals. By developing a coordinated plan, we help organizations realize their ambition through thought and action. Define the challenge, understand the situation, and design a solution.

  • calendar-icon

    Annual fundraising and marketing plans

  • eyeglasses

    Data analysis to inform decision making

  • unified-icon

    Customer journey mapping and interventions

  • renewals

    Subscriber/donor/member loyalty

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Transform Your Organization

Cultural projects focus on building trust and alignment around shared vision and goals, as well as linking metrics to impact to measure success. Getting a department or organization to the next level is never easy. Buy-in is critical. Bringing a team together to forge the path forward is invaluable and speeds up the process.

  • calendar-icon

    Single or multi-day retreats for teams

  • toggles

    Workshops to create organizational alignment

  • eyeglasses

    Customized content to match your needs

  • speedometer1

    Affect change on a departmental or organizational level

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Three people sitting at a round table with laptops and papers

Learn More

Specific project proposals are customized for each organization’s individual needs, and can be designed to accommodate organizations of all genres and budget sizes. Call us at 888-643-5778 x456 or email us to learn more.
Contact Enterprise Consulting